Tag: kenzo


TOMISLAV MOSTEČAK: “Fashion design is still on the margins of the domestic design scene”

The fashion scene in Croatia is still reduced to self-initiated projects that function in the form of a small business or boutique, which distributes its own products. There is no distribution of collections by multi brand stores, which is how the fashion system works on foreign markets, particularly when it comes to smaller brands. I’ve noticed that some brands decided to distribute their products online, which I consider a great way of getting their products to foreign markets” – INTERVIEWED BY: LEA VENE


TOMISLAV MOSTEČAK: „Modni dizajn još uvijek je na margini domaće scene dizajna“

“Modna scena u Hrvatskoj se još uvijek svodi na samoinicirane projekte koji funkcioniraju u formi manjeg obrta ili butika koji distribuira vlastite proizvode. Ovdje se osvrćem na nepostojanje distribucije kolekcija od strane multi brand dućana, što je logika modnog sistema na vanjskom tržištu, osobito za manje brendove. Primijetio sam neke brendove koji su se odlučili za online distribuciju, što smatram dobrim pokušajem u plasmanu proizvoda na vanjsko tržište” – RAZGOVARALA: LEA VENE