Tag: patchup


VEDRAN ŽIDANIK: “The True Challenge for Designers is the Conservative and Closed Society”

“Digital design in the world is undergoing major changes and designers are required to be much more involved in the current problems of society. I think this can already be seen in the employment process of top companies, and it will certainly be even more pronounced in the near future. Designers from smaller, more conservative backgrounds, such as Croatia, will be in a weaker position. We can counteract this to some extent through a wider education and self-education, with the aim of increasing empathy for as wide a circle of people as possible. The core of design as a discipline is empathy, and empathy is nourished by new ideas, knowledge and experiences.” – interviewed by: ORA MUŠĆET


VEDRAN ŽIDANIK: “Izazov za dizajnere su konzervativnost i zatvorenost društva u kojem žive i rade”

“Digitalni dizajn u svijetu doživljava velike promjene i od dizajnera se traži mnogo više uključenosti u aktualne probleme društva. Mislim da se to već sad gleda kod zapošljavanja u vrhunskim tvrtkama, a zasigurno će biti još izraženije u skoroj budućnost. Tu će u slabijoj poziciji biti dizajneri iz manjih, konzervativnijih sredina poput Hrvatske. Tome možemo donekle doskočiti širom edukacijom i samoedukacijom, s ciljem što veće empatije prema što širem krugu ljudi. Srž dizajna kao discipline je empatija, a empatija se pak hrani novim idejama, znanjima i iskustvima.” – RAZGOVARALA: ORA MUŠĆET