Tag: Mama


DEJAN DRAGOSAVAC: “There is no shame in seeing the spirit of the times in design “

“The way you approach and deal with the specificities and issues of the form you are working on has become, in time, a characteristic of your aesthetics, or to put it simply, a part of your authorial language. When for years one does editorial design, ones starts to think like that too: what is seen at first sight, how to involve the reader into a story, where is the beginning, what is the most important information, hierarchy, is design presenting the content and similar. However, that is often the case of a game of “wrong form”, when for example you design a poster that looks like a tram ticket, likewise a newspaper page can be a poster, a book cover or a festival flyer” – INTERVIEWED BY: MARKO GOLUB


DEJAN DRAGOSAVAC RUTA: „Nije sramota ako se u dizajnu vidi duh vremena“

“Način na koji pristupaš zadatostima i problematici forme u kojoj radiš s vremenom postaje odlika tvoje estetike, ili jednostavnije rečeno, dio tvog autorskog jezika. Kada godinama radiš editorial dizajn tako počneš i razmišljati: što se vidi na prvi pogled, kako uvući čitatelja u priču, gdje je početak, koje su najvažnije informacije, hijerarhija, prezentira li dizajn sadržaji i slično. No, isto tako često je tu riječ i o igri „krive forme“, kao kad primjerice napraviš plakat koji izgleda kao tramvajska karta, tako i novinska stranica može biti plakat, naslovnica knjige ili letak za festival” – RAZGOVARAO: MARKO GOLUB