(English version below)
Javni, opći, u jednom stupnju, anonimni, za realizaciju,
za dizajn vizualnog identiteta
Oznaka iz Plana nabave Raspisivača natječaja: 2024-13338
Broj i datum objave u EOJN: 2024/S F12-0000023
RASPISIVAČ I INVESTITOR natječaja je Grad Zagreb, Trg Stjepana Radića 1, 10 000 Zagreb, OIB: 6181789437; telefon: +385 1 6503788; e-mail: javna.nabava@zagreb.hr ; www.zagreb.hr , odgovorna osoba: gradonačelnik Tomislav Tomašević, mag. pol.
PROVODITELJ I ORGANIZATOR natječaja je Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo (HDD), Boškovićeva 18, 10000 Zagreb, OIB 69713516544, telefon +385 1 4846874, e-mail: natjecaji@dizajn.hr, odgovorna osoba: predsjednik Sven Sorić (u daljnjem tekstu ‘Provoditelj’).
PREDMET NATJEČAJA je izrada idejnog rješenja dizajna vizualnog identiteta Grada Zagreba sukladno „Projektnom zadatku“ izrađenom od Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva u suradnji s Raspisivačem natječaja.
CILJ PROVEDBE JAVNOG NATJEČAJA je dobivanje jedinstvenog i kvalitetnog idejnog rješenja dizajna vizualnog identiteta Grada Zagreba koji će reflektirati njegovu bogatu povijest, sadašnjost i viziju budućnosti. Osnovni cilj jest razviti sveobuhvatan i prilagodljiv vizualni sustav, sposoban za jasnu komunikaciju, efikasno označavanje i jačanje međunarodne prepoznatljivosti Zagreba.
Natječaj je namijenjen profesionalnim dizajnerima koji djeluju kao samostalni autori ili u grupama autora, kao i onima u interdisciplinarnim timovima, studijima i agencijama. Barem jedan član tima mora imati relevantno profesionalno iskustvo u dizajnu identitetskih sustava od najmanje 5 godina te je tijekom tog razdoblja oblikovao barem jedan kompleksni sustav i priručnik standarda, bilo samostalno ili u timu. Prijavom na natječaj, sudionici potvrđuju da po potrebi mogu dokazati najmanje 5 godina profesionalnog bavljenja dizajnom vizualnih identiteta za jednog člana tima. Studenti mogu biti članovi tima. (u daljnjem tekstu koristi se izraz: ‘Natjecatelji’, koji podrazumijeva i samostalne autore i timove)
Svaki od Natjecatelja ima pravo sudjelovanja na natječaju s najviše 3 natječajna rada.
NATJEČAJNA DOKUMENTACIJA će biti na raspolaganju natjecateljima u digitalnom obliku u Elektroničkom oglasniku javne nabave RH u Narodnim novinama (EOJN) uz obaveznu registraciju te neograničen, izravan i besplatan pristup, a dostupna je za pregled na stranicama HDD-a.
Izrađivač natječajne dokumentacije:
Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo, Zagreb, Boškovićeva 18
listopad 2024. godine
Početak natječaja je 28.10.2024. godine.
Natjecatelji imaju pravo postavljati pitanja do 30.12.2024. godine.
Pitanja mogu postavljati samo registrirani natjecatelji putem Elektroničkog oglasnika javne nabave (EOJN) gdje će također biti objavljeni i odgovori svima koji su registrirani. do 06.01.2025. godine.
Krajnji rok za predaju natječajnih radova je do 13.01.2025. godine do 17:00 h.
Očekivani završetak rada Ocjenjivačkog suda je do 31.01.2025. godine.
- Tom Dorresteijn, direktor strategije, Studio Dumbar – predstavnik provoditelja
- Ira Payer, dizajnerica, Superstudio – predstavnica provoditelja, predsjednica Ocjenjivačkog suda
- Ana-Marija Poljanec, dizajnerica, Oaza – predstavnica provoditelja
- Luka Korlaet, zamjenik gradonačelnika Grada Zagreba, predstavnik raspisivača
- Luka Thumm, viši stručni savjetnik pročelnice Ureda gradonačelnika, predstavnik raspisivača
Zamjenici članova OS-a:
- Nina Bačun, dizajnerica – predstavnica Provoditelja
- Martin Jurin, zamjenik pročelnice Gradskog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture i prirode – predstavnik Raspisivača
Tehnička komisija:
- Mirjana Jakušić
- Magdalena Ećimović
Voditelji natječaja:
Damir Gamulin
Sven Sorić
Dodjeljuje se pet novčanih nagrada. Ukupni fond nagrada iznosi 51.000,00 EUR neto.
Radovima koji odgovaraju uvjetima određenim ovom dokumentacijom za nadmetanje Ocjenjivački sud će dodijeliti nagrade kako slijedi:
*neto iznos (€)
- nagrada: 15.000,00
- nagrada 12.000,00
- nagrada: 10.000,00
- nagrada: 8.000,00
- nagrada: 6.000,00
*neto iznosi odnose se na neto iznose autorskih umjetničkih honorara u slučaju da se isplata vrši temeljem ugovora o autorskom djelu, odnosno neto iznose računa u slučaju da je dobitnik nagrade pravna ili fizička osoba koja ispostavlja račune..
Iz Natječaja će se isključiti radovi koji nisu izrađeni u skladu s Programom i Uvjetima Natječaja odnosno:
a/ Predani poslije roka navedenog u ovim Uvjetima Natječaja,
b/ Koji ne sadrže priloge navedene u ovim Uvjetima Natječaja,
c/ Čija oprema rada nije u skladu s ovim Uvjetima Natječaja,
Pored usklađenosti rada s uvjetima raspisa, u pogledu sadržaja, rokova i obaveznih priloga pri ocjenjivanju radova Ocjenjivački sud će valorizirati:
- Jedinstvenost i inovativnost vizualnog rješenja
- Komunikacijska efikasnost i prepoznatljivost u različitim kontekstima
- Modularnost i fleksibilnost sustava
- Integracija povijesnih elemenata uz viziju budućnosti
- Praktičnost i dostupnost elemenata za široku upotrebu
Natječaj se provodi u skladu s Poglavljem 2, člancima 327., 328., 329., 330 i 331. ZJN, ostalim odredbama ZJN, koje se primjenjuju na projektni natječaj te prema praksi standardima Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva, ukoliko iste nisu u suprotnosti sa ZJN.
Projektni natječaj se provodi kao postupak koji može prethoditi postupku sklapanja ugovora o javnim uslugama za izradu izvedbenog rješenja dizajna vizualnog identiteta Grada Zagreba te izrade priručnika osnovnih grafičkih standarda u dogovoru s Raspisivačem (za potrebe javne nabave usluga) sukladno članku 327. stavku 1. ZJN.
Procijenjena vrijednost nabave za projektni natječaj i kasniji pregovarački postupak javne nabave bez prethodne objave sastoji se od:
– nagradnog fonda u iznosu od 51.000,00 € neto,
– naknade članovima Ocjenjivačkog suda koji su predstavnici Provoditela u ukupnom iznosu od 3.250,00 € neto,
– naknade putnih troškova i smještaja za člana Ocjenjivačkog suda iz inozemstva u iznosu do 500,00 € neto
– izrade projektne dokumentacije (izvedbeno rješenje dizajna i priručnik osnovnih grafičkih standarda) u procijenjenom iznosu do 35.000 € neto, za što će Raspisivač sklopiti ugovor nakon provedenog pregovaračkog postupka javne nabave bez prethodne objave, sukladno članku 133. stavak 1. ZJN, s Natjecateljem – autorom prvonagrađenog rada koji zadovolji uvjete sukladno ZJN pod uvjetom da ima dokaze sposobnosti propisane ZJN (članak 251. i 252 ZJN), te se u tom smislu smatra ponuditeljem.
Natječaj se provodi na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku te latiničnom pismu.
Uz uobičajenu predaju natječajnih radova u fizičkom obliku svi natjecatelji moraju predati i Obrazac projekta. U tu svrhu svi natjecatelji moraju se obavezno registrirati na Elektronički oglasnik javne nabave (EOJN) i predati obrazac projekta. Samo registrirani natjecatelji mogu preuzeti natječajnu dokumentaciju i predati natječajni rad.
Detaljne upute za registraciju i predaju Obrasca projekta na EOJN možete preuzeti na LINKu. (Upute je izradio Roman Šilje za UHA-u i DAZ za potrebe natječaja za izradu idejnog arhitektonsko-urbanističkog rješenja za izgradnju DV Jarun).
Postavljanje pitanja:
Sva pitanja tijekom trajanja natječaja mogu postavljati registrirani natjecatelji putem sustava EOJN, gdje će se i objaviti odgovori.
Design Competition for the Design of the Visual Identity of the City of Zagreb
The City of Zagreb announces, and the Croatian Designers Association organizes and executes a design competition for the design of the visual identity of the City of Zagreb. The aim of the tender is to create a visual identity that will reflect its rich history, present and a vision of the future, that is to develop a comprehensive and adaptable visual system, capable of clear communication, efficient marking and strengthening Zagreb’s international recognition. The visual identity proposals are expected to take the following into account: Zagreb’s history and development, its urban dynamics and the values officially communicated by the City. The total prize fund amounts to EUR 51.000,00 net. The deadline for receipt of tender works is 2025/01/13 until 5 pm. You can find more details in the article.
A public, international, single-stage, anonymous, for implementation
for the design of the visual identity for the City of Zagreb
Designation from the Procurement Plan of the Tenderer br. 2024-13338
Number and date in EOJN: 2024/S F12-0000023
THE TENDERER AND THE INVESTOR is the City of Zagreb, Trg Stjepana Radića 1, 10000 Zagreb, OIB (VAT ID) 61817894937, telephone +385 1 6503788, e-mail: javna.nabava@zagreb.hr, web: www.zagreb.hr, represented by: Mayor Tomislav Tomašević
THE EXECUTOR OF THE TENDER AND THE ORGANIZER: Croatian Designers Association, Boškovićeva 18, 10000 Zagreb, OIB (VAT ID) 69713516544, telephone +385 1 4846874, e-mail natjecaji@dizajn.hr, represented by President Sven Sorić (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Executor’)
THE SUBJECT OF THE COMPETITION is the creation of a conceptual design solution for the visual identity of the City of Zagreb
THE AIM OF THE TENDER is to obtain a unique and high-quality conceptual solution for the design of the visual identity of the City of Zagreb, which will reflect its rich history, present and a vision of the future. The main goal is to develop a comprehensive and adaptable visual system, capable of clear communication, efficient marking and strengthening Zagreb’s international recognition.
RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE: The competition is intended for professional designers working as independent authors or in groups of authors, as well as those in interdisciplinary teams, studios, and agencies. At least one team member must have relevant professional experience in identity system design for a minimum of 5 years, having independently or as part of a team designed at least one complex system and standards manual. By applying to the competition, participants confirm that they can, if necessary, provide proof of at least 5 years of professional experience in visual identity design. Students can be part of the team. (Hereinafter, the term ‘Participants’ will be used, referring to both independent authors and teams.)
Each of the participants has the right to participate in the competition with a maximum of 3 entries.
THE DOCUMENTATION in digital form will be available to the candidates in the Electronic Public Procurement Classifieds of the Republic of Croatia in the Official Gazette (Croatian Elektronički oglasnik javne nabava RH: EOJN), with mandatory registration and unlimited, direct and free access, and it is also available for viewing on the HDD pages.
Producer of tender documentation:
Croatian Designers Association, Zagreb, Boškovićeva 18
October, 2024.
The tender begins at 2024/10/28.
Candidates have the right to ask questions until 2024/12/30.
Questions may only be asked by registered candidates via the system of the Electronic Public Procurement Classifieds of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: EOJN), where also the answers will be published and made available to all registered candidates until 2025/01/06.
The deadline for receipt of tender works is 2025/01/13 until 5 pm.
The conclusion of the procedure of the Jury wil be until 2025/01/31
- Tom Dorresteijn, strategy director, Studio Dumbar — Croatian Designers Association representative
- Ira Payer, designer, Superstudio — Croatian Designers Association representative, Head of
- Ana-Marija Poljanec, designer, Oaza — Croatian Designers Association representative
- Luka Korlaet, Deputy Mayor of the City of Zagreb — City of Zagreb representative
- Luka Thumm, Senior Expert Advisor to the Head of the Mayor’s office — City of Zagreb representative
Deputy members of the Jury:
- Nina Bačun, designer — Croatian Designers Association representative
- Martin Jurin, Deputy head of City Institute for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage — City of Zagreb representative
Technical Committee:
- Mirjana Jakušić
- Magdalena Ećimović
Tender managers:
- Damir Gamulin
- Sven Sorić
Five cash prizes are awarded. The total prize fund amounts to EUR 51.000,00 net.
The works that meet the conditions set out in this tender documentation shall be
awarded by the Jury as follows:
net amount (€)
1st prize: 15.000,00
2nd prize: 12.000,00
3rd prize : 10.000,00
4th prize: 8.000,00
5th prize: 6.000,00
*Net amounts refer to the net amounts of authorial fees in the event that the payment is made on the basis of a freelance contract, or the net amounts of invoices in the event that the award winner is a legal entity or a natural person who issues invoices.
Works that are not made in accordance with the Program and Terms of the Competition will be excluded from the Competition, i.e.:
a/ Submitted after the deadline specified in these Terms of the Competition,
b/ Which do not contain attachments listed in these Terms of the Competition,
c/ Whose work equipment does not comply with these Tender Terms,
In addition to the compliance of the work with the conditions of the tender, in terms of content, deadlines and mandatory attachments, when evaluating the works, the Jury will value:
- Uniqueness and innovation of the visual solution
- Communication efficiency and recognition in different contexts
- System modularity and flexibility
- Integration of historical elements with a vision of the future
- Convenience and availability of widely used elements
The tender shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 2, Articles 327, 328, 329, 330 and 331 of the Public Procurement Act (ZJN), other provisions of the ZJN applicable to the project tender, and according to the practice and standards of the Croatian Designers Association, if they are not contrary to the ZJN.
The design competition is carried out as a procedure that may precede the procedure of concluding a public service contract for the development of a detailed solution for the design of the visual identity of the City of Zagreb and the development of a basic graphic standards manual in agreement with the Tenderer (for the purposes of public procurement of services) in accordance with Article 327, paragraph 1 of the ZJN.
The estimated value of the procurement for the design competition and the subsequent public procurement negotiated procedure without prior publication shall consist of:
—the prize fund in the amount of €51,000.00 net;
—fees to the members of the Jury who are representatives of the Executor in the amount of €3,250.00 net in total ;
—reimbursement of travel costs and accommodation for a Jury member from abroad in the amount of up to €500.00 net;
—preparation of project documentation (detailed design solution and a basic graphic
standards manual) in the estimated amount of up to €35,000.00 net, for which the Tenderer will conclude a contract after the public procurement negotiated procedure without prior publication, in accordance with Article 133, paragraph 1 of the ZJN, with the Author of the work that was awarded the first prize, who meets the requirements of the ZJN, provided that they have evidence of capacity set out in the ZJN (Articles 251 and 252 of the ZJN), and are in that sense considered a bidder.
Tender documentation is available in English and Croatian, in the Latin script.
In addition to the usual submission of tender works in physical form, all competitors must also submit the Project Form (Obrazac projekta). For this purpose, all competitors must register on the Electronic Public Procurement Classifieds of the Republic of Croatia in the Official Gazette (Croatian Elektronički oglasnik javne nabava RH: EOJN),and submit the project form. Only registered contestants can download the tender documentation and submit the tender work.
You can download detailed instructions (on Croatian) for registration and submission of the Project Form at EOJN at LINK. (The instructions were prepared by Roman Šilje for the UHA and DAZ for the purposes of the tender for the creation of a preliminary architectural and urban planning solution for the construction of DV Jarun).
All questions during the competition can be asked by registered contestants through the EOJN system, where the answers will be published.