Tag: development


MARIO LONČARIĆ: “The role of programmers has not disappeared; it only experienced a phase shift”

“Programmer’s responsibility should be increasing, but I’m afraid it is not. Facebook’s motto Move fast and break things gained great popularity because it somehow gives us the license to “break things” and tells us this is OK because we need to go faster, further and higher, since we can always go back and fix things. In the end we are left with a bunch of broken things because no one goes back to fix them. It’s fine when all you break is someone’s cat photos or a funny status, but when you’re the biggest social network in the world and allow the spreading of fake news and the manipulation of users by allowing interference in elections, then we are no longer talking about things, but about human lives” – INTERVIEWED BY: MAŠA MILOVAC


MARIO LONČARIĆ: „Uloga programera nije nestala, samo je malo pomaknuta u fazi“

“Kažem da bi odgovornost programera trebala biti sve veća, ali me strah da nije. Facebookova krilatica ‘Move fast and break things’ je dobila veliku popularnost jer na neki način daje dozvolu da se ‘potrgaju stvari’ i da je to ok, jer treba ići brže i dalje i više jer se kasnije možemo vratiti natrag i popraviti. Na kraju nam ostane gomila potrganih stvari, jer se nitko ne vraća. To je sve ok kad potrgate nečije slike mačaka i smiješne statuse, ali kad ste najveća društvena mreža na svijetu i dopuštate širenje lažnih vijesti i manipulaciju korisnika i dozvolite uplitanje u izbore, onda se više ne radi o stvarima nego o ljudskim životima” – RAZGOVARALA: MAŠA MILOVAC