Tag: 1718


Izložbe “53. Zagrebački salon – Desetljeće 2008. – 2018. / Izložba hrvatskog dizajna 1718 – Nagrađeni radovi” u splitskom MKC-u

U subotu 2. ožujka 2019. u 19 sati u Galeriji MKC u Domu mladih u Splitu otvaraju se dvije strukovne izložbe – 53. ZAGREBAČKI SALON – DESETLJEĆE 2008. – 2018. nastao u produkciji Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata i IZLOŽBA HRVATSKOG DIZAJNA 1718 – NAGRAĐENI RADOVI nastala u produkciji Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva. Predstavljanje ovih izložbi u Splitu zajednički organiziraju Platforma 9,81 i Multimedijalni kulturni centar (MKC) u partnerstvu sa Udruženjem hrvatskih arhitekata (UHA) i Hrvatskim dizajnerskim društvom (HDD). Izložbe ostaju otvorene do 10. ožujka.

Izložba hrvatskog dizajna

What Can Design Tell Us About Itself? – The Exhibition of Croatian Design 1718

A designer who is usually recognised as good at what he or she does quite often exudes that glamorous aura of an inspired individual. However, good design oftentimes remains hidden behind the anonymous and the collective (in big agencies, for instance) or behind the omnipresent and almost undetectable, behind miniature, yet strategically important modifications and transformations of long-lasting brands, etc. One of the advantages of this sort of exhibition format for presenting design is that it provides a general idea about what is perceived as a good standard, an “example of good practice”, a benchmark of excellence. Since design has never been only “one thing” (and certainly it is not today), but rather many different things, it would be naive to talk about some universal standard. – WRITTEN BY: MARKO GOLUB

Izložba hrvatskog dizajna

Dodijeljene nagrade na Izložbi hrvatskog dizajna 1718

U sklopu otvorenja IZLOŽBE HRVATSKOG DIZAJNA 1718, sinoć je u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt održana je i svečanost dodjele nagrada i priznanja najboljim dizajnerskim radovima u pojedinačnim kategorijama izložbe, kao i Velika nagrada Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva, Ico-D Excellence Award te Nagrada HDD-a za životno djelo. Zahvaljujemo svima koji su sudjelovali u svečanosti i bili dio slavljeničke atmosfere, a dobitnicima nagrada i priznanja još jednom čestitamo. Tko su pobjednici, pročitajte u nastavku.

Izložba hrvatskog dizajna

ŠTO DIZAJN MOŽE REĆI O SEBI? Povodom Izložbe hrvatskog dizajna 1718

“Dizajner kojeg obično prepoznajemo kao dobrog u tome što radi često ima tu glamuroznu auru nadahnutog pojedinca, no dobar dizajn ponekad se krije baš iza anonimnog i kolektivnog (npr. u okviru agencija), iza masovnog i nezamjetnog u svojoj sveprisutnosti, iza malih, strateški važnih preinaka i pomaka kod dugotrajnih brendova itd. Jedna od prednosti ovakvog izložbenog formata trebala bi biti to da nam on daje generalnu ideju o tome što vidimo kao dobar standard, kao ‘primjere dobre prakse’, razinu kojoj treba stremiti. No kako ni dizajn nikad nije bio, a pogotovo danas nije ‘jedna’ stvar nego mnogo njih, naivno je govoriti o univerzalnom standardu” – PIŠE: MARKO GOLUB


Predavanja Susan Sellers i Slavimira Stojanovića u sklopu Izložbe hrvatskog dizajna 1718

U petak 26.10.2018. s početkom u 17:30 u sklopu popratnog programa Izložbe hrvatskog dizajna 1718, u atriju MUZEJU ZA UMJETNOST I OBRT održat će se predavanja beogradskog dizajnera SLAVIMIRA STOJANOVIĆA i njujorške dizajnerice SUSAN SELLERS, članova Međunarodnog ocjenjivačkog suda Izložbe 1718. Program počinje u 17:30 Stojanovićevim predavanjem pod naslovom „Weare Percfet“, a Susan Sellers nastupa u 19:00 predavanjem „Make _______ _____ Again“. Da, točno smo napisali naslove, a detalje pročitajte u nastavku!


SLAVIMIR STOJANOVIĆ: People appreciate it when someone makes a genuine effort

“I realized, after all my experience on different markets, that design was no longer my only channel for creative expression. I did a couple of independent exhibitions that were very well received, I wrote and drew an award-winning children’s picture book, and now, in September, I published my first novel. I have retained this space in the media because I wasn’t lazy, and people here, like anywhere else, like it when someone makes a genuine effort” – Interviewed by: Marko Golub


SLAVIMIR STOJANOVIĆ: “Ljudi vole vidjeti kad se netko iskreno trudi”

“Uvidio sam, poslije raznih proživljenih iskustava na različitim tržištima, da mi dizajn više nije jedini kanal za izražavanje. Napravio sam nekoliko autorskih izložbi koje su vrlo dobro primljene kod publike, napisao i nacrtao nagrađenu slikovnicu za djecu i evo sada u rujnu objavio svoj prvi roman. Dakle, zadržao sam svoj medijski prostor jer nisam bio lijen, a ljudi ovdje, ili bilo gdje drugdje, vole vidjeti kad se neko iskreno trudi” – RAZGOVARAO: MARKO GOLUB


MARIO LONČARIĆ: “The role of programmers has not disappeared; it only experienced a phase shift”

“Programmer’s responsibility should be increasing, but I’m afraid it is not. Facebook’s motto Move fast and break things gained great popularity because it somehow gives us the license to “break things” and tells us this is OK because we need to go faster, further and higher, since we can always go back and fix things. In the end we are left with a bunch of broken things because no one goes back to fix them. It’s fine when all you break is someone’s cat photos or a funny status, but when you’re the biggest social network in the world and allow the spreading of fake news and the manipulation of users by allowing interference in elections, then we are no longer talking about things, but about human lives” – INTERVIEWED BY: MAŠA MILOVAC

Izložba hrvatskog dizajna

Notes on the Relation between Matko Meštrović and Architecture

“Within the span from the resolute concept of abolishing the autonomy of architecture in the 1960s to activating a diverse source of progressive thought from the 1980s to today, Matko Meštrović is an uncompromising critic of mediocrity, irrationality and particularism, and is moving constantly from the “particular to the general”. Meštrović optimistically demanded a comprehensive acceptance and application of progressive ideas and tendencies that were accomplished only marginally or where merely envisaged as a possibility. This emancipatory, even utopian horizon is, at least from my perspective, utterly convincing precisely because of his deep empathy for reality, expressed by both his work and his personality” – WRITTEN BY: MAROJE MRDULJAŠ

Izložba hrvatskog dizajna

Bilješke o odnosu Matka Meštrovića i arhitekture

“U rasponu od rezolutnog koncepta nestajanja autonomije arhitekture 1960-ih do aktiviranja raznolikih izvora progresivne misli od 1980-ih do danas, Matko Meštrović je beskompromisni kritičar osrednjosti, iracionalnosti i partikularizama, i u kontinuiranom je kretanju od „pojedinačnog općem“. Meštrović je optimistično zahtijevao cjelovito prihvaćanje i primjenu progresivnih zamisli i tendencija koje su se ostvarivale samo u naznakama ili su bile zacrtane tek kao mogućnost. Taj emancipacijski, pa i utopijski horizont je, barem iz moje osobne perspektive, sasvim uvjerljiv upravo zahvaljujući dubokoj empatiji prema stvarnosti koju Matko iskazuje i svojim radom i svojom osobnošću” – PIŠE: MAROJE MRDULJAŠ


VEDRAN KASAP: “Design is becoming increasingly accessible and prevalent, but also more expendable”

I feel specialization rarely makes sense, and am more prone to an open and flexible structure of the design field. What makes a designer good is the way he or she responds to a certain task and the way he or she gives meaning to the solutions, viewing them in the widest possible context. It is the skills gained that create the specialization, and these can always be acquired through practice and training – Interviewed by: MONIKA DŽAKIĆ


NIKA PAVLINEK: We are bombarded by images to such a degree that we don’t even see the space around us

Dizajn je pojam koji se čini toliko širokopojasan da ako je stvarno ‘dobar’ može riješiti sve probleme, a to je fantazija. Problem siromaštva i neobrazovanosti je kompleksan problem koji se rješava generacijama. Dobar dizajn je svjestan tih raskola unutar tržišta i često se svjesno mora donijeti odluka da proizvod pripadne tržištu koje je ‘elitno’, jer je kao takav jedino dostupan u smislu raspoložive i aktualne distribucije – Interviewed by: Monika Džakić


TOMISLAV MOSTEČAK: “Fashion design is still on the margins of the domestic design scene”

The fashion scene in Croatia is still reduced to self-initiated projects that function in the form of a small business or boutique, which distributes its own products. There is no distribution of collections by multi brand stores, which is how the fashion system works on foreign markets, particularly when it comes to smaller brands. I’ve noticed that some brands decided to distribute their products online, which I consider a great way of getting their products to foreign markets” – INTERVIEWED BY: LEA VENE


BORIS GREINER: “You have to fall in love with a material to be able to recommend it wholeheartedly”

“As Valéry said, steps cannot be taken without obstacles, which is why form is so important: the form must take from the obstacle as much as it needs to keep on moving, but no more than what it needs to keep on moving. This is, perhaps, why the language has developed in small steps, but digitalization emerged all at once, which is why I do not necessarily see a connection between the two — it does not matter whether I cut out letters with scissors or a computer mouse” — Interviewed by: BOJAN KRIŠTOFIĆ


ANA LABUDOVIĆ: “Critical and research work in design should not be a luxury”

“Specific actions should be viewed within their specific contexts, and we can see in the field that some practices resist rules more easily than others. Is the designer dealing with aerodynamics or systematizing a huge amount of data? Is the designer trying to communicate a message to a mass audience or a micro-scene, is he/she trying to provoke a reaction, interaction, contemplation? Designers are trying to find solutions, and in the process of work, they should constantly ask questions and provide answers” – Interviewed by: MONIKA DŽAKIĆ

Izložba hrvatskog dizajna

Odabrani radovi za Izložbu hrvatskog dizajna 1718

Selekcijska komisija u sastavu Dejan Dragosavac Ruta, Boris Greiner, Vedran Kasap, Ana Labudović, Mario Lončarić, Nika Pavlinek i Tomislav Mostečak odabrala je radove koji će biti predstavljeni na Izložbi hrvatskog dizajna 1718 koja će se održati od 25.10. do 25.11.2018. godine u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt i ISO – Izložbenom salonu Izidor Kršnjavi.