Predavanje “Experiential Learning and Real-World Simulations: The Future of Design Education” na Grafičkom fakultetu

U utorak 4.6.2019. u 11 sati, u A dvorani Grafičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prof. dr. Gjoko Muratovski s University of Cincinnati (SAD) održat će predavanje na temu “Experiential Learning and Real-World Simulations: The Future of Design Education”.

Ever since the Industrial Revolution, the field of design has followed developments in business, technology, and culture. Design’s adaptability to continuously evolving environments is what makes its practices relevant in times of change. Design’s ability to maintain its relevance is what has helped to redefine the profile of the field and elevate the status of the designers in society. In return, design has never been more valued as an economic force, nor has it been as culturally influential as it is now. All types of organizations, including once-conservative management consultancies, financial organizations, banks, and even hospitals have begun to adopt “design thinking” as their guiding principle and are rapidly building their internal design competencies. But what does this mean for the future of design education?

Prof. Dr. Gjoko Muratovski is the Director and Endowed Chair of the Myron E. Ullman, Jr. School of Design at the University of Cincinnati. As the School Director, he regularly engages with city, state and federal government officials and companies such as Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, General Motors, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Ford, Toyota, Macy’s, Starbucks, Amazon, Nike, Apple and Facebook on developing new partnerships and research initiatives. As an Endowed Chair, he manages the US$10 million Endowment Fund for the school that was established by Myron Ullman, the Chairman of the Starbucks Corporation.


In addition to this, he serves as a Seed Consultant at Stanford University (USA), Visiting Professor at the University of Zagreb (Croatia), Guest Professor at Tongji University (China), Fellow of the Designers Institute (New Zealand), and as an Inaugural Scholar-in-Residence at the Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater Institute (USA). He also served as a Visiting Professor at the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), High-End Foreign Expert with the Chinese State Department (China), and Advisor with the White House Presidential Innovation Fellows Program (USA). Prof. Dr. Muratovski is a member of the Yale Higher Education Leadership Summit (USA). Hosted by the Chief Executive Leadership Institute at Yale University, the Summit brings together university and government leaders to discuss and share key strategies for the future of higher education.

S obzirom da je Prof. Dr. Gjoko Muratovski gostujući profesor na Grafičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, ovaj posjet i predavanje predstavljaju novu priliku za sve profesore, zaposlenike i studente da ostvare osobni kontakt sa uvaženim profesorom i rasprave daljnje mogućnosti zajedničke suradnje s njegovom ustanovom DAAP, University of Cincinnati, USA.